Uniform, Military, WWII Shirt
1944 Approximate
Material: textile, plastic. Size: 14 1/4" W. across shoulders x 24 3/4" L. x 23" L. sleeves. Description: navy blue fabric - V-neckline - collar - front closure with four blue plastic buttons and a hidden button and elastic loop under the collar points (button missing) - tailored waistline - long set in sleeves - cuffs close with a single 1/2" W. blue button - label inside back neckline: "Made & Sold Under Authority Of U.S. Navy U.S. Women's Naval Reserve" - two labels inside button placket: "An Exclusive Bozart 12 Custom Made Blouse" and "Women's Naval Reserve, Name, Rate" ("D. Hodgkins" is handwritten on the first label). Entire SPAR uniform is accessioned as #109.98.5-13, 17-18) and includes a cap, a garrison cap, blouse, shirts, skirt, slacks, belt and service crests.
Waseca County Military - U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, SPAR. Dorothy Hodgkins was a SPAR, a member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard from 1943-1945. The name "SPAR" derives from S(emper) PAR (atus) or "always ready", the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard. Hodgkins worked with public health doctors and nurses in sick bay and in the dental clinic in St. Augustine, Florida at a Coast Guard training station. Later she was located in Washington, D.C. at Coast Guard headquarters. See donor gift agreement for more biographical information on Dorothy Hodgkins Gigeay.