9.97.12 a,b,c
Pin, Commemorative
Material: metal. (a) Star pin. Size: 1/2" diameter x 3/8" D. Description: gold tone metal star-shaped pin - blue enameled center - gold colored numeral "2" raised in center circle - reverse side: pointed pin. (b) Backing. Size: 1/2" diameter x 1/4" D. Description: gold toned metal - spring loaded clasp receives pointed pin from star . (c} Disk. Material: plastic. Size: 5/8" diameter. Description: red disk - center hole - insert between star pin and backing.
Organization: Boy Scouts of America. Part of a larger collection that includes the Boy Scout shirt and medals attached to it, neckerchief, slide, and merit badge sash (#9.97.1-13); worn above the flap of the left breast pocket to the left of the knot badge; 2-year Boy Scout service pin.