Uniform, Boy Scout shirt
Boy Scout Uniform Shirt. Material: textile, plastic. Size: 19" W. at shoulders x 31 3/4" L. x 23 1/2" L. sleeves. Description: green cotton long sleeved shirt with pointed collar and front buttoning with six brown plastic buttons each stamped with a pattern of fleur-de lis; six patches on left sleeve: two arch shaped red and white patches display: "Waseca" and "Minn." (community); one rectangular red patch displays "8" and "6" (troop #); one rectangular green, yellow and white winged anchor with two bars (sea explorer); one circular green and brown patch displays a fleur-de-lis, an eagle and the "Be Prepared" motto (junior assistant scout master); one circular red and black patch on right sleeve displays "BSA" with a beaver (patrol medallion); one blue and yellow epaulet with a blue and yellow braid at right shoulder (den chief); five patches at upper right bodice: one red, white and black ax patch (axmanship award); one circular multi-colored patch displays: "National Jamboree Valley Forge 1957 BSA Onward For God and My Country"; one rectangular green and brown "Explorers BSA" patch; one red, white green and black patch on pocket flap: "Wapaha Lodge 53 WWW" (order of arrow lodge flap)"; one red, white and blue shield displays an eagle and "BSA USA" (world jamb); one rectangular knot badge on upper left bodice above pocket; one rectangular green, silver, red and blue Eagle Scout badge on pocket.
Part of a larger collection that includes the shirt & medals that go on it, the neckerchief & slide, & merit badge sash (#9.97.1-13); Waseca City Organizations