Print, Photographic
County School Librarians. 5" x 3-1/2" black and white photograph of a group identified on the back as Mary Sack (NRHEG), Pauline Fenelon (Janesville Public Schools), Fauniece Witt (Waldorf-Pemberton Schools), Les Tlougan (Waseca High School), Kathy Mentjes (Waseca Elementary Schools), Karen Frydendall (Waterville Schools), and Nancy Hackenmiller (Sacred Heart School).
The group of librarians and media specialists representing libraries in Waseca County met monthly during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Sherry Jones of the Waseca Co. Historical Society was the 1989 president. Other members of Waseca Interlibrary Resource Exchange (WIRE) not pictured are: Lucy Lowry (SMILE), Kathryn Rynders (UMW, Waseca), Walt Bennet (Central Middle School, Waseca), Alice Haraldson (Waseca-LeSueur Regional Library). This photo commemorates WCHS donating new copies of "Child's History of Waseca County" to school libraries in the county.