1880 Approximate
Bison or Buffalo Coat. Material: fur, textile, button. Size: 22" W. x 47" L. Description: dark brown bison hide; black quilted lining; double breasted; front closure with five large round black buttons (one missing) and loops; long sleeves; full collar.
The Fretham family settled in Waseca County in 1864. Their farmstead was in Iosco then they moved to Blooming Grove, Waseca County. During 1862, Simeon Potter Child of Wilton, upon hearing of the Indian Outbreak re-enlisted in the US Army and was formally mustered in as a corp. of Company B, First regiment of Minnesota mounted rangers. He kept a diary of his travels through Waseca County. The diary included an entry of Friday June 26, 1863: "Traveled about 10 miles. Ruble's Company killed a buffalo today. Five buffalos were seen on left bank. Camped on Minnesota River." From Child's History of Waseca County. This coat was in the Fretham family for years. We believe it was made from a buffalo / bison killed here in the county in the 1860-1870s.