91.01.1 n
Sunde / Newgard Family Papers
Jonas Olson Sunde Declaration of Intention to Become a Citizen of the United States. Material: paper. Size: Size: 7 1/2" W. x 9 1/2" L. Description: applicant, Jonas Olson Sunde filed this document declaring his intention to renounce his allegiance to "the kingdom of Sweden & Norway of which I have heretofore been a subject" on May 5, 1858; signed also by A.C. Resseguil, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rock County, Wisconsin; lower half of document declares that the upper half is a "true copy of the Declaration of Intention of Jonas Olson Sunde" and is signed and sealed by A. W. Baldwin, Clerk, Rock County, State of Wisconsin. Number of sheets: 1