1976 Approximate
Blue, Red Minnesota Theme, Appliqued Symbols. Material: textile. Size: 51 1/2" W. x 72" L. Description: dark blue cotton quilt top - red cotton center rectangle 24" W. x 36" L. forms background for a white cotton state of Minnesota shape attached with red blanket stitching - counties are outlined - multicolored cotton appliques glued and sewn onto blue background from top center clockwise: Northwest Mountie, pioneer family, oxcart, wheel, steamboat, train engine, farmer, woodsman, miner, miller, loon, lady slipper flower, walleye, Norway pine tree, the North Star, Indian in a canoe and a trapper - white cotton flannel backing - quilt edges fold over backing and are secured with red basting.
Note: "Made by Girl Scout Troop 198 - Danette Schlosser, Kathy Kohnert, Carrie Rethwill, Sue McGuire, Cheryl Means, Jane Fitzsimmons, Lisa Elliott."