Safe, Match
1940 Approximate
Safety Match Box. Material: metal. Size: 2 1/4" W. x 5" H. x 3" D. Description: white enameled metal box with a front opening to access match stick contents; back pierced with hanging holes; black and red lettered information bordered in green on front: "Compliments of H. A. Woyke & Co., Contractor and Mfgs. of Concrete Drain Tile and Blocks. Phones: Res. 265, Office 230, Waseca, Minn."
Waseca business: H. A. Woyke & Co., Contractor and Mfgs. of Concrete Drain Tile and Block. This artifact came in its box. Box in poor condition and discarded. Indicated match safe made by C. E. Erickson Co., Inc., Des Moines, IA.