Program, Homemakers
Waseca County Homemakers Group Achievement Day Program. Material: paper, metal. Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". Description: pink copy paper cover stapled to white paper contents; cover print: "Hom[e]makers Achievement Day 1959, Home the Heart of Our Nation, Southern School of Agriculture, May 8, 1959"; contents include homemaker's poem, creed, program, acknowledgements, township groups numbering 45 with 621 members, lessons, counselors and songs.
Homemaker Club members include Hinton, Schoenfeld, Lukken, Powell, Armstrong, Byron, Mahurin, Scheffert, Zellweger, Nietzel, Collins, Rosenthal, Piltingsrud, Weydert, Strohl, Miller, Nuendorf, Fuller, Clausen, Manthe, Hagen, Ratigan and others.