Pink Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver. (a) Razor. Material: plastic, metal. Size: 3" diameter. Description: pink plastic circular case; gold circle with leaf design in center; double razor head at top; one side for shaving legs and one side for underarms; clear plastic razor head guard; electric cord attachment at bottom. (b) Electric Cord. Material: plastic, metal. Description: white cord attaches to shaver; two prong plug in. (c) Brush. Material: metal, textile. Size: 3" L. Description: twisted metal wire handle; white bristles on end. (d) Storage Box. Material: paper. Size: 1 1/2" x 4" x 4". Description: light blue cardboard box with lid; gold print on top: "Lady Sunbeam Shavemaster"; blue print on side: "Model LS Pink"; blue velvet interior; paper instructions at bottom.