American The Beautiful Painting. Material: wood, textile. Size: 139" W. x 55" H. Description: wooden frame and backing; canvas paintings; title at top center: "America The Beautiful"; painting on left titled: "Indian and the Lily" by DeForest Brush; painting in center titled: "The River" by Daniel Garbe; painting on right titled: "Trout Ripples" by Irving Couse; metal plaque at bottom engraved: "Classes of 1928-1929"; painted in lower right corner: "Copyright - The Board Art Galleries Minneapolis"; text on left side: "Nature! Great parent whose un-ceasing hand rolls round the seasons of the changeful year; how mighty, how ma-jestic are thy works. Thomson's Seasons"; text on right side: "Minnesota! Oh land of for-ests dark! Perennial fields, bright skies and rivers runn-ing to the sea. Selected."
Came from Central School.