Three wheel tricycle. Material: metal, textile. Size: 68" L. x 22" W. x 46" H. Description: orange three wheel tricycle; crank type handles; brown leather seat; no chain; no rubber on tires; no peddles.
This tricycle was owned and operated by John Carl William Manthey, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Manthey of Waseca. At the age of three years he was stricken with spinal-meningitis, his legs were so badly crippled from the disease that he was unable to walk or use them in any way. It is reported that he re-built this tricycle and used it in going back and forth to his work. He was employed as a mechanic and also at one time operated a bicycle shop on West Elm Avenue. John Carl William Manthey was born in St. Mary Township on 7 November 1882 and died on 12 December 1912.