Waseca County Historical Society Records
Waseca County Historical Society Newsletter. History Notes Volume 31, Issue 4, December 2009. Contents: letter from co-directors: Joan Mooney and Sheila Morris; Doll House Exhibit and photos; 150th Birthday Gift Capital Campaign 2007-09; Improvements to Museum and Library; list of board and staff; hours and WAF Funds; Event calendar; Christmas Tea; list of project needs; photos from downtown Waseca 1936 Christmas; St. Mary window project completed; Give to the Max day; Membership grows; Oral Histories online; photo of staff member Vanessa Zimprich holding daughter Aera Marie Zimprich; photo of Hawkes Family residence; photo of WCHS intern Becci Kohnert; World War I book gets indexed; George Herter's pink stove lights up again; photo from doll house exhibit; thanks to volunteers; photos of Ice Harvest. Number of sheets: 1