Goltz Family Papers
Number of sheets: 1 Baptismal Certificate. 1892. Johan Goltz. Material: paper. Size: 14" W. x 19 3/4" H. Description: white paper - colored border with flowers - German: "In dem Namen des herrn Amen" (In the name of God. Amen.) - "Tauf Srhrin" (Baptize) "Darum Gehet Hin und lehret alle Voelker und Taufet sie im Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes Math., 28.19" ( Therefore go and teach all people and baptize it in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Math. 28.19) - "Johann Ernst rill Sohn von Edward Johann Goltz und Ieiner Gattin Emma Leuilngebr? Santo wurde geboren den 15 ten Aug 1892 zu Janesville Minnesota und empfing die Heilige Taufe den 24 strn Sep. 1892 welches hiermit be frheinigt wird Edward T. Santo, Johann Ernst Santo Baptismal Certificate. Clara A. Santo, William Pagenhart Prediger September den 24 strn 1892" (Johann Ernst son of Edward Johann Goltz and his wife Emma Leuilngebr? Santo was born the 15th of Aug 1892 in Janesville Minnesota and the holy baptism was received the 24th of Sep. 1892 which was witnessed by Edward T. Santo, Clara A. Santo, William Pagenhart Preacher September the 24th 1892) - "Lallet die Kindlein zu mir kommen" (Let all the children come to me).